Ways to Create Peace Where You Are in Your Self Care Journaling

Posted by Alina Liao on

In this past Sunday's journaling retreat, "Journal for Peace," one of the prompts I journaled to was,

"I gain peace when I see... hear... feel... smell... taste..."

It was fun to let my mind wander in my self care journaling and list out how I gain peace through my five senses. There was a lot about food and hot soups, about candles and plants and soft blankets. 

As I wrote this out, I had a realization in my wellness journal... "Hey, I have everything I need right here in my humble home to create this peace!" I can make soup, I can step outside and smell my lavender plant. I can cuddle up in my soft blanket. I can savor the feel of my pillow under my head as I lie awake, just before getting up.

Even through a hectic week, I've been trying to come back to that in little moments - finding small, simple ways to have peace with what I already have, where I already am. 

Journaling builds our mind-body connection, and journal prompts that engage our five senses can make the journaling more fun. Through our self care journaling, we can connect further with our bodies and senses. In addition to this peace prompt, you could ask yourself,

In my dream day of self-love, I see... I hear... I taste... I smell... I feel...

When I am being loving towards others, I see... I hear... I taste... I smell... I feel...

I am energized when I see... I hear... I taste... I smell... I feel...

Go ahead! You can set a timer for five minutes, or play one or two songs you like, get that pen and paper or wellness journal, and let yourself flow...

With love,
Alina Liao, founder of Zenit
Feel it, write it, Zenit

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