Ease as a State of Mind

Posted by Alina Liao on

In our Wellness Journaling Retreats this month, our focus has been ease...

I entered this month needing more ease, feeling worn out by the end of last year, not ready to hit the ground running with the new year. "I'm tired" became a recurring theme in my self care journaling I do in my daily wellness journal.

Over our two community wellness journaling mini-retreats, this idea of ease took on more form in my wellness journal. I initially journaled a lot about how I could give myself permission to make time for unwinding. This included self care journaling to the prompt, "For my year, what is enough?" which allowed me to let go of some burdens, making space and time for ease. 

In this week's self care journaling mini-retreat, I found myself thinking of ease in another way - ease as a state of mind.

I'm still marinating on this and journaling about it in my daily wellness journal. This week was one of those emotional roller coaster ride weeks, where for every good thing that happened, something else went wrong (thank you  Mercury Retrograde). My emotions were constantly jumping around. By the end of the week, I was exhausted. 

I wonder, what does it mean to have ease, through the ups and down of what comes at me? What does it mean to have ease while sitting with difficult emotions - not suppressing or, as one of our wellness journaling retreat community members put it this week, "running away from" difficult emotions and thoughts, but rather being with all of ourselves, with ease, as life unfolds?

While we will continue with new themes for our self care journaling retreats in the following months (next month, the theme is Accessing Your Inner Wisdom), I intend to continue to keep ease present in my self care journaling and in how I go about my days. I hope you too can continue to explore and elevate ease in your life.

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