On Trusting the Ebb and Flow

Posted by Alina Liao on

When it comes to tapping into our inner wisdom, there's a lot of trust at play.

My trust in myself and others was broken a few years ago. Through my self care journaling in my custom wellness journal, I've been building it back up. 

Over the past few years, I noticed in my self care journaling how hard I struggled with the ebb and flow of things. So much frustration, anger, self-hate.

When it came to my business, when business slowed, I would panic and feel like a failure.

When it came to my romantic relationship, when things weren't all lovey dovey, I'd panic, and feel like a failure.

When it came to my wellness, when I'd fall off on my wellness routines, fall off my self care journaling, overstretch myself, I'd feel exhausted, angry at myself and the world... and feel like a failure.

But so far, after every down time in my business, things picked up.
In my relationship, things cool down and then heat back up.
With my wellness, as long as my commitment to my wellness and self care journaling is there, I find a way to get back to my sacred routines.

I've learned through our Astrology Journals how the universe moves in cycles. The winter times are a time of rest. The collective energy of the natural world picks up in the spring.

Even the weather in DC has been ebbing and flowing between days of warmth and frigid cold. Even if the winter feels dragged out, the spring will come.

Through my self care journaling in my Custom Wellness Journal, when I feel stressed or down, I come back to my prompt, "What's my wisest self saying?" More often, it's saying, "Trust. Trust in the ebb and flow of things."

These days, when things are slow or not the way I want, I feel that panic start to creep in. But I catch it, journal about it in my custom wellness journal, and breathe it out, remind myself, as long as I keep going, things will pick back up or realign. It's an ebb and flow. It doesn't mean things will fall apart. It doesn't mean I'm a failure. All I need to do is keep going on the path, adjusting here and there as needed, flowing.

Acknowledging that nothing can always be at 100% isn't about mediocrity - it's freeing. 

What are the ebbs and flow in your life? See if journaling about them helps you trust in yourself, and in the ebb and flow of things.

Feel it, write it, Zenit.

guided journal guided journaling healing journal healing journey mental health mental health journaling mental health journey self care self care journaling wellness wellness journaling

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